HSG Wetzlar Needed to Approve A Bitter Home Loss within the Handball Bundesliga The Hesse Shed Versus Eisenach, Although They Remained In The Lead for A Long Period of Time.
Bitter pill for HSG Wetzlar: The Hesse Shed Their Home Video Game In The Handball Bundesliga On Thursday With 30:31 Versus Thsveisenach Against The Thuringians, The Indications Had Actually Gotten on Triumph for a Long Period of Time, The HSG Entered into the Brake With a Comfy 17:13 Lead.
After fifty p.c -Time, however, the customer present up and the online game within the heart of the 2nd fifty p.c with 5 aims every time straight. The online game stayed superb up Until Completion, with the Much Better End For Theisenach the Ideal Thrower Near Wetzlar Was Stefan Civor With 9 Objectives, The HSG Remains in thirteenth Area within the Table.
Singing: HR3, 10 pm, 27.2.25