A interval movie calls for authenticity, and Sky Force isn’t any completely different, says Darshan Yewalekar. The movie star hairstylist was roped in to create the seems to be of Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, and a few supporting actors within the aerial actioner that provides a retelling of India’s airstrike on Pakistan in the course of the 1965 battle. Director duo Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapur’s transient to him was easy—keep as true as attainable to the period it’s set in. “For inspiration, I went through material from the period, studied aviators and the style of clothing [popular then]. There were very few photographic references. Since we were depicting Air Force officers, we had to work within a few boundaries. So, I created a lookbook that never crossed those boundaries,” says Yewalekar.
Darshan Yewalekar
In Sky Force, Pahariya’s character is predicated on squadron chief Ajjamada Boppayya Devayya, who was posthumously awarded the Maha Vir Chakra. Yewalekar says they tried a number of seems to be earlier than zeroing in on the moustache that makes him resemble the late battle hero. “Veer made notes to register every detail that was discussed to bring his character to life. We did multiple changes before achieving the moustache style,” he recollects.
With the movie taking part in out over 15 years, hair performed a major position in depicting the transformation of Kumar’s character. Yewalekar factors out that the famous person flaunts a salt-and-pepper look within the second half. He says, “Akshay sir helped us achieve the look with his suggestions. The hair transition was a great idea. The film has multiple looks, but there were a bunch that needed special attention.”